Dissemination of the education outcome indicators baseline survey 2021
The education outcome indicators baseline survey was conducted by the Planning department in December 2021 with support from the Iceland government. Today, the report was disseminated to the stakeholders at Green valley country club in Namayingo. The survey was mainly carried in all the 84 government primary schools and seven government aided secondary schools in the district. It was revealed that the completion rate for boys to primary seven in 2019 was at 31.2% while that of girls was 27.7% This indicates that boys are able to complete primary seven more than girls. 84.2% of the boys who completed primary level transited to lower secondary while girls at 73.4% The overall district transition rate to senior one was 78.8% The completion rate for boys to senior four in 2019 was at 15.7% while that of girls was 17.5% The overall complete was 16.6% The survey also revealed that the teacher to pupil ratio was 1; 70 (one teacher teaching 70 learners) The pupil; desk ratio was 1; 4 pupils (1 desk for 4 pupils) 1 latrine stanza serving 87 pupils and pupil having access to 2 textbooks. On feeding, the total number of pupils fed in all primary schools was 28745 against the total going population of 56292. This implied that only 51.1% of the pupils were feeding at school. On equipment and utilities, of the 84 government aided primary schools, only 2 had computers. One school had internet connection and 3 had been connected to electricity.