District water and sanitation planning and advocacy meeting.
District water and sanitation planning and advocacy meeting.
Today, the district water and sanitation sector conducted its first quarter planning and Advocacy meeting at the district council hall. This was aimed at effective planning and also sharing experiences in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
The stakeholders were taken through their roles in the water sector and mainstreaming of crosscutting issues-gender, HIV and AIDS.
The district water officer, Joshua Wabusa, shared the 2021/2022 implemented activities that focused on the following;
§ Construction of three 5-stance lined VIP latrines at Kifuyo trading centre, Nsono in Buyinja subcounty and Sigulu in Lolwe.
§ Construction of piped water supply system (Borehole piped) at Buyombo. Phase 1 completed & phase II scheduled for FY 2022/23
§ Siting & drilling supervision of 6 boreholes at Lubiru, Butanira, Buhone, Mutumba seed school, Namavundu and Bukani
§ Drilling, installation and platform casting of 6 handpump boreholes
§ Supply of borehole spare parts
§ Software activities such as training water user committees
§ Rehabilitation of 30 hand pump boreholes in Buswale and Buyinja
Under Namayingo district development programme for fishing communities (NDDP-FC) the following WASH activities were executed in the 1st and 2nd quarter.
§ Rehabilitation of 50 hand pump boreholes and construction of 12 spring wells in Mutumba, Banda and Buhemba
§ Procured 2 GPS machines for WASH geographical data recording, one bacteriological water testing and 3 hand pump mechanical kits
§ Construction of sanitation facilities in rural growth centres (works on going)
§ Trained 50 water user committees, local government officials and sanitation committees on preventive maintenance of hand pump boreholes.
§ Procured 7 motorcycles for hand pump mechanics, water, health and Natural resources staff, among others.
Planned activities
§ Construction of 6 sanitation infrastructure and facilities for public use in rural growth centres and 7 for institutional use in schools
§ Community mobilization and sensitization of for social-cultural mindset change for uptake of WASH services
§ Conduct radio programs about WASH project
§ Rehabilitation of atleast 25 boreholes for both Island and Minland sub counties
§ Dilling, installation and platform casting of 4 hand pump boreholes
§ Construction of 2mini piped water schemes by GOAL Uganda
§ Construction of a gravity membrane scheme by GATE WATER Uganda
§ Piped water system construction in Banda (Buyombo phase II) and designing min-piped water system for Bukana/ Sigulu
§ Software activities among others.
The district chief administrative officer Edith Namayega addressing stakeholders during water advocacy and planning meeting at the council hall.
Stakeholders attending the water and sanitation